What I use
Finding the right stack is key to solving problems efficiently and effectively. This note is a log of the tools and technologies I commonly use, along with some resources of interest.
- Typescript - Essential for building javascript projects.
- React - The framework I feel most comfortable building websites with.
- Remix - One of the best web frameworks today.
- Astro - My favorite framework for static sites.
- Vite - Tool that makes web development insanely fast.
- Prisma - Modern ORM for databases.
- Zod - Typescript-first schema validation.
- Conform - Compatible with Zod and Remix form validation.
- TailwindCSS - The fatest way to prototype designs.
- Radix UI - Primitives for building accessible design systems.
- Framer Motion - Best library for animations.
- Hono - Useful for creating backends on the fly.
- Vitest - Vite-native unit testing framework.
- Playwright - End-to-end testing framework.
- Eslint - Most used javascript linter.
- Prettier - Opinionated code formatter.
- Github - Where my open source repositories are hosted.
- Cloudflare - The best platform for creating & prototyping services quickly.
- Turso - Powerful production-ready sqlite platform.
- Resend - The best service for sending emails.
- SVGOMG - SVG optimizer.
- Excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching.
- Web Test: - Tool to check website performance.
- Keycdn - Various purpose tools for the web.
- Open Graph - Tool to improve SEO.
- Tinify - Tool to compress and optimize images.
- Arch Linux: My operating system of choice for development.
- VSCode: My go-to code editor.
- Neovim: My secondary editor for hobby projects and learning new languages.
- tmux - Terminal multiplexer for running multiple sessions.
- Alacritty - A fast, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
These are some of the tools and resources I use in my everyday life. I am probably forgetting some of them and others are changing or I am adding new ones.